GOW! Speed Hill Climb was the very first event the Vintage Hot Rod Association hosted. We started back in May 2013, and save for not running in 2014 as the hill was oversubscribed, it ran every year until 2023, when we celebrated our tenth anniversary.
The seed for GOW! was sown when the VHRA were invited to be part of a paddock display at the Bugatti Owners Club Autumn Classic race meeting. After being enthralled by the racing, we established that we could hire the hill for our own event, so a date was settled upon and GOW! Speed Hill Climb was born. As soon as it was announced to members it became clear we were onto a winner, and the bookings kept rolling in to make the event a roaring success, giving us a paddock chock full of hot rods and customs, all with owners keen to take to the hill throughout the day. This was echoed at every GOW! that followed and the event was cited by many as the best thing they have ever done with their hot rod.
Prescott Hill for its part is set in the heart of the beautiful Cotswolds, and this historic racetrack has been a home to motorsport since 1937 and is still as exciting today as it was 80 years ago. Along its 1,128 yards, the track has twists, turns, hairpins and blind bends that seem to drop to infinity. GOW! certainly wasn't for the faint-hearted!
Sadly, a change of policy at the Bugatti Owners Club late in 2023 meant GOW! could not continue at Prescott Hill. Should anything change on that front, we'll be sure to let you know.